12/2022, Paper on real-time deep image segmentation-based vehicle localization and 3D map generation (collab. w/ Jinkyu Lee (HGU) and Dr. Hwang (HGU)) is available online in IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. Congrats, Jinkyu!
09/2022, Dr. Chun is giving an invited talk at IEIE Signal Processing Conf. (신호처리합동학술대회) on 9/30 @Ewha Womans University.
08/2022, Two new members officially joined the MIDAS lab. Welcome, Hyebin (ECE) and U Jin (AI)!
05/2022, Dr. Chun's arXiv paper on self-supervised learning for regression problems (collab. w/ Dongwon Park and Xuehang Zheng) is available.
03/2022, Paper on an iterative neural network for high-quality material decomposition in dual-energy CT (collab. w/ Zhipeng Li (SJTU)) is accepted to Med. Phys. Congrats, Zhipeng!
02/2022, Dr. Chun joined the College of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), as an Assistant Professor of EEE & AI.